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Healthcare & AI Simplified

Our mission is to upgrade healthcare for humans by delivering personalized medical insights beyond the current capabilities of traditional medicine with new AI powered software solutions.

Experience the future of healthcare with our medical researcher AI agent. Our software processes and analyzes vast amounts of personal and public medical data in order to provide personalized health insights that traditional systems miss. This innovative approach bridges gaps in current in how healthcare works today, leading to better health outcomes for the patient.


Medical Researcher AI Agent Benefits

Personalized Health Insights: Our AI platform continuously scans trusted sources, including new and existing medical studies, to generate daily and weekly customized reports with tailored health recommendations.

Interactive Agent: Users can engage with the AI at any time to provide information, upload medical data, give instructions, or ask health-related questions, ensuring continuous support and guidance.  The agent has long term memory, so it will utilize all your past conversations with each response.

Data Integration: Our product connects crucial medical data points often overlooked in traditional healthcare. For example, if multiple doctors order separate tests, our AI ensures all results are considered together, providing a more comprehensive diagnosis. 

We will be demonstrating our product in June of 2024.  Stay tuned here for our waitlist.  We will be slowly rolling it out to the first people who sign up for the waitlist.

Join us in transforming healthcare.