Our Mission

Our mission is to upgrade healthcare for humans by delivering personalized medical insights beyond the current capabilities of traditional medicine with new AI powered software solutions.

We see an untapped potential to use AI to analyze a new scale of health data

Our Journey

The release of ChatGPT and the new possibilities for AI brought the founders of 42 Robots AI together early in 2023.  Their shared enthusiasm for the potential of AI to improve the lives turned into 42 Robots AI later in 2023.

Early on, they realized that software development was changed forever due to the injection of randomness into a process that was previously non-random when LLM’s are used within code.  Therefore, there are many new building blocks that need to be built to practically leverage AI within software.  A lot of R&D went into building and testing the code building blocks for how to effectively leverage AI.

Through client work and our own R&D, we have unique technology and insights for leveraging AI to solve real world problems.

One of our strengths as a company is processing and analyzing large amounts of data with AI.  It seems clear to us that this strength is needed in the medical space to fill in major healthcare gaps that often result in poor health outcomes for patients.  Our company has many connections into the medical space.  Focusing our company on healthcare is a natural fit.

In early 2024, our founder, David, had an interaction with a woman who’s son had some serious long term medical issues.  She found out that David was in AI and she brightened at the idea that AI could provide new solutions for improving her son’s health.  David’s brain went to work considering how 42 Robots AI could contribute its unique value to this problem.  A few days later, a family member got a bad diagnosis and David’s brain would not let him stop thinking about how data processing with AI might actually be able to save lives.  And the personal medical research AI agent product was conceived.  The team loved the idea.

Fortunately, the building blocks of the company were built in a way that 42 Robots AI could quickly build v1 of the product.  The development started May 2024.  We will have a demo to show by June 2024.

Our Humans

42 Robots AI is a ship of ambitious humans with excellent attitudes all rowing aggressively in the same direction. 

Kartik — Junior Machine Learning Engineer, AI Engineer and Python Developer

Haseeb — Senior Full Stack Developer

Hassan — Senior Full Stack Developer

Gretchen — Operations specialist

Danial — AI Engineer, Python Developer, and Front End Developer

Youssef — AI Engineer and Python Developer

Pankaj — Senior Machine Learning Engineer and Python Developer

Ivan — Sales & Marketing Lead

Silvana — Operations Lead

Toshita — Developer Lead

Ahmer — Business Development Manager

Matt — Chief Product Officer, cofounder

Jacob — Chief Design Officer, cofounder

David — CEO, founder