Personal Medical Researcher AI Agent — About the Product

AI Agent Personal Medical Researcher

Imagine having a group of medical researchers pour over every inch of your personal medical data to deeply understand all the details of your health.  And then these medical researchers would go to work every day for you, researching new and old trusted medical information (like the latest studies) that are ALL relevant just to you.  You can also talk to these medical researchers 24/7 at your convenience.

The above describes our Personal Medical Researcher AI Agent (name coming soon).

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Healthcare Benefits

  • Personalized Health Insights: Our AI platform continuously scans trusted sources, including new and existing medical studies, to generate and send you daily and weekly customized reports with health recommendations tailored to your health data.  This is great for those with diseases that have serious implications on other areas of health.
  • Interactive Agent: Users can engage with the AI at any time to provide information, upload medical data, give instructions, or ask health-related questions, ensuring continuous support and guidance. The agent has long term memory, so it will utilize all your past conversations with each response.  There is a lot more going on in the background than just asking ChatGPT a question (basically what most of the competitors provide).   This is great for someone who has frequent questions about their specific health situation.
  • Data Integration: Our product connects crucial medical data points often overlooked in traditional healthcare. For example, if multiple doctors order separate tests, our AI ensures all results are considered together, providing a more comprehensive diagnosis.  This is great for someone with a rare illness that is challenging to diagnose.

Coming this June to a limited group.  If you’re interested, make sure you join the waitlist to get your spot in line.